题目:Optimized Fuzzy Association Rule Mining for Quantitative Data
报告人:Jing He 澳大利亚维多利亚大学教授
报告摘要:With the advance of computing and electronic technology, quantitative data, for example, continuous data, become vital and have wide applications, such as for analysis of sensor data streams and financial data streams. However, existing association rule mining generally discover association rules from discrete variables, such as boolean data (`O' and `l') and categorical data (`sunny', `cloudy', `rainy', etc.) but very few deal with quantitative data. In this talk, a novel optimized fuzzy association rule mining (OFARM) method is proposed to mine association rules from quantitative data. The advantages of the proposed algorithm are in three folds: 1) propose a novel method to add the smoothness and flexibility of membership function for fuzzy sets; 2) optimize the fuzzy sets and their partition points with multiple objective functions after categorizing the quantitative data; and 3) design a two-level iteration to filter frequent-item-sets and fuzzy association-rules. The new method is verified by three different data sets, and the results have demonstrated the effectiveness and potentials of the developed scheme.
报告人简介:Dr. Jing He is currently a full professor in college of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Australia. She has been awarded a PhD degree from Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006. Prior to joining to Victoria University, she worked in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China during 2006-2008. She has been active in areas of big data analysis, Data Mining, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Intelligent System, Scientific Workflow and some industry field such as E-Health, Petroleum Exploration and Development, Water recourse Management and e-Research. She has published over 60 research papers in the refereed international journals and conference proceedings including ACM transaction on Internet Technology (TOIT), IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Information System, The Computer Journal, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Applied Soft Computing, and Water Resource Management. She received over 1.5 million Australia dollar research funding from Australian Research Council (ARC) with ARC early career researcher award (DECRA), ARC discovery project, ARC Linkage project and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) since 2008.